Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a 2014 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Captain America, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is intended to be the sequel to 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger and the ninth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, with a screenplay by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and stars Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders, Frank Grillo, Emily VanCamp, Hayley Atwell, Robert Redford, and Samuel L. Jackson. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America and the Black Widow join forces to stop a covert enemy that is hiding in Washington, D.C.
So, can i just comment on how wicked that poster looks? Yes? It is fabulous and sets us up for the film perfectly. So onto the review, this second Captain America film is set a whole 2 years after the events of "The Avengers" and it is clear that Steve (Captain America (CA)) is adjusting well too life in the 21st century as well as the events in New York. We open to him running, and the first encounter of who, will be the Falcon. We are then quickly whisked onto the next covert assignment by The Black Widow where S.H.I.E.D information is at risk and hostages are taken by Pirates.
So with this all happening you will be wondering, where does "The Winter Soldier" title come into play? Well all i will reveal is that a character is returning in this new guise.
Unlike other Marvel movies, this one lacks Puns. it is a very serious, very cinematic adventure where the viewer is taken on a roller coaster of emotions, and endless headaches. (Yeah when you see it you will understand) We begin to understand more about Captain America, The Black Widow and Nick Fury. Chris Evans plays a very battle hardened soldier, who is still adapting to modern times and ideas. While Scarlett Johansson plays a funny, engaging but bad ass Black Widow who is coaching CA on his love life and modern ideals, all while fighting. Of course. Samuel L. Jackson brings back the intense and seriously mistrusting Nick Fury, and acts beautifully in some pivotal scenes that see Nick in deep duress. Showing that even one eyed, this man can still fight. Anthony Mackie however brings a great breathe of fresh air with his role as falcon. He provides the much needed banter and helps to make CA look more, well human.
Also, playing the classic marvel spot Stan Lee was pretty fun, he was a lot easier to recognize this time around than being a beauty pageant judge or a criminal.
As always with Marvel, staying past the first credits reveals an interesting scene from Hydra headquarters, the piques my interest and makes me want to strangle the writers for more information. Too much? Yeah maybe.
Overall this film is a great edition to the marvel franchise and i absolutely cannot wait for the next Marvel Release, and of course the next Captain America! Five Stars!
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